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Neuroendocrine Cancer UK: CMS GeoScience Pledge

We are donating £1 to Neuroendocrine Cancer UK for every metre of core collected.

After our Managing Director, David Hitchcock PhD MRICS FGS, was diagnosed with neuroendocrine cancer earlier last year, CMS GeoScience Ltd decided to make Neuroendocrine Cancer UK our Charity of the Year.

Although still relatively unknown, it is now the 10th most prevalent cancer in England, with cases on the rise and around 6000 people diagnosed every year. Sinc

e symptoms often masquerade as indicators of more common illnesses, studies show that the median time from a patient experiencing their first symptom up until their diagnosis is 53.8 months, with 80% of those having visited their GP 11 times, on average.

Neuroendocrine Cancer UK is a not-for-profit charity which offers a community for sufferers and their loved ones, supporting them from diagnosis, through treatment and beyond. As well as this immediate help, they allocate resources to concentrate on finding longer-term solutions to the challenges that patients face. They are huge advocates of change and improvement of the Neuroendocrine Cancer Pathway; raising awareness, tackling diagnosis delays, pushing research and even working alongside the NHS and politicians.

The charity relies solely on private funds, so we have decided our show its support by pledging £1 for every metre of core collected by our geotechnical team for the next year. We are so very proud to play a small part in helping to make a meaningful difference to the lives of those struggling to live with neuroendocrine cancer.

To learn more about this disease or find out how you can get involved, please visit the charity’s website:

You can also follow the personal challenge of Ruth Russell, our Senior Executive Officer and Dave’s wife, who has been sea swimming every day since last October to raise money and awareness the disease. Now, on day 255, she would welcome support and encouragement from you all. You can find out more by searching for @DailyDip4Dave.


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