Civil Engineering
Geotechnical site investigations are critical in ensuring the integrity of offshore assets. CMS-Geotech offers a robust suite of geotechnical services to assist in managing the risk & uncertainty associated with ...
CMS -Geotech carries out nearshore geotechnical site investigations to provide accurate and detailed information to inform the design and implementation of projects in the following areas:
Port & Harbour Developments
Pipeline & Cable Routes
Dredging & Trenching Projects
Offshore Platforms
Foundation Design
Wind Farm Developments
Civil Engineering Services:
CPT Site Investigations
Piston Coring
Day Grabs
Environmental Tests
ROV Inspections
Efficiencies and Benefits:
Our Datem 5000 CPT can be deployed via a crane operating from a barge or shoreside, allowing access to restricted or contaminated areas.
Our CPT has a coiled rod making it smaller and more versatile to ship and more easily deployed on third party vessels
In the last 3yrs we have recovered over 2000m of seabed samples with our High Powered Vibrocorer

Get in Touch
CMS-Geotech Ltd
Unit 4
Brooke Business Park
Heath Road
NR33 9LZ
01752 500333